
Campaign Results September 26 – October 14, 2023 0 Total Ad Views 0 Total Clicks 0 % Total CTR Audience Demographics How many times your ads were clicked by males and females. (Last Updated 10/6) No Data Found Clicks per Zipcode No Data Found


Campaign Results September 22 – November 5, 2023 0 Total Ad Views 0 Total Clicks 0 % Total CTR 0 Reach Audience Demographics Number of clicks from males and females by age. No Data Found Zipcodes with the highest number of clicks No Data Found


Campaign Results September 14 – October 14, 2023 0 Total Ad Views 0 Total Clicks 0 % Total CTR 0 Reach Audience Demographics How many times your ads were clicked by males and females. (Last Updated 10/17) No Data Found Clicks per Zipcode No Data Found


Campaign Results September 19 – October 14, 2023 0 DIGITAL AD VIEWS​ 0 Total Clicks 0 % Total CTR 0 Reach 0 CTV Views 0 CTV Reach Audience Demographics How many times your ads were clicked by males and females. (Last updated 10/17) No Data Found Top 5 zip codes with the most clicks No… Continue reading results-dom


Campaign Results August 28 – October 14, 2023 0 Total Ad Views 0 Total Clicks 0 % Total CTR 0 Average Daily Website Views Audience Demographics How many times your ads were clicked. (Last updated 10/17) No Data Found Clicks per Zipcode No Data Found


Campaign Results August 15 – October 14, 2023 0 Total Ad Views 0 Total Clicks 0 % Total CTR 0 Website Visitors Audience Demographics How many times your ads were clicked. (Last updated 10/17) No Data Found Clicks per Zipcode No Data Found


Campaign Results August 3 – September 30, 2023 0 Total Ad Views 0 Total Clicks 0 % Total CTR Creatives