Geofencing 101: What is Geotargeting Advertising?

What is geofencing? Geotargeting (also called geotargeted advertising) is a type of advertising that uses location data to reach consumers with messaging appropriate to their locality and behavior. This advertising technology displays content based on an automated or assumed knowledge of consumers’ location. For example, a car repair shop or auto dealership might run a… Continue reading Geofencing 101: What is Geotargeting Advertising?

How Direct Mail Can Help Colleges Stand Out

Direct Mail

How Direct Mail Can Help Colleges Stand Out In today’s fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s easy to overlook the power of traditional marketing tactics like direct mail. But when done right, direct mail can be a highly effective way for colleges to connect with prospective students and stand out in a crowded marketplace. And… Continue reading How Direct Mail Can Help Colleges Stand Out

Navigating the Digital Ad Landscape: Tips for Colleges on Running Successful Ad Campaigns

Navigating the Digital Ad Landscape: Tips for Colleges on Running Successful Ad Campaigns Colleges need to leverage the power of online advertising to reach prospective students effectively. However, navigating the digital ad landscape can be overwhelming, especially for institutions new to online advertising. We’ll explore some tips and best practices for colleges looking to create… Continue reading Navigating the Digital Ad Landscape: Tips for Colleges on Running Successful Ad Campaigns

Career Centers for Student Recruiting

Rack Cards

Career Centers for Student Recruitment. Career cards can be a valuable asset for colleges to attract and recruit students to their programs by providing essential information, showcasing career opportunities, and highlighting their unique offerings. 1. Highlight Career Opportunities Showcase the potential career paths that students can pursue after completing a specific program. By providing this… Continue reading Career Centers for Student Recruiting